On 04.12.2017 23:28, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
Haven't looked at the code, but off the top of my head the ones mentioning offset problems might be from too-large classes. Does the system compile very large functions?
Probably yes. The lisp code is generated by the SPAD compiler, so the function bodies may become quite large. I'm going to isolate the functions which trigger the error.
The last trace looks like it might be related to character encoding mismatch - perhaps invalid utf-8?
That's a good hint. Indeed, I haven't checked the encoding w.r.t abcl yet (SBCL/ECL are supported for a long time, so I guess encoding is specially handled somewhere in the support files). BTW I'm not expecting that someone will look at the code, I just wanted to know whether the causes of these messages are commonly known - except to me ;-) Thank you! Kurt
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 2:33 PM, Kurt Pagani <nilqed@gmail.com <mailto:nilqed@gmail.com>> wrote:
I (almost) successfully compiled the fricas computer algebra system using ABCL (https://github.com/nilqed/fricas0 <https://github.com/nilqed/fricas0>). "Almost" because four of the over 1300 algebra files are refractory. I essentially got two errors:
>> System error: The value :INT is not of type (COMMON-LISP:MEMBER COMMON-LISP:NIL :BOOLEAN).
>> System error: The assertion (COMMON-LISP:<= -32768 JVM::OFFSET 32767) failed.
While the first one might be related to
http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/316 <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/316> (http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/15034 <http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/15034>) http://armedbear-devel.common-lisp.narkive.com/rm9OArfe/the-value-long-is-no... <http://armedbear-devel.common-lisp.narkive.com/rm9OArfe/the-value-long-is-not-of-type-member-nil-boolean>
I have no idea what the second one could mean. Google, however, shows similar ones @: https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ql/qlalpha-2014-08-23-abcl-load... <https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ql/qlalpha-2014-08-23-abcl-load-failures.html> (fishpack, lapack ...).
Well, I'm stuck, so any ideas would be very welcome. Many thanks Kurt