Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> writes:
On 9/12/09 7:45 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
Here's a patch against the current swank-abcl.lisp to make a couple of things work for the trunk abcl.
I don't want to check it in, as I don't know whether there are issues with it working for older versions of abcl.
The fixes make edit definition work, and arglists for generic functions.
Is there anyone out there who is currently active on slime development that is comfortable checking these in?
Applied to SLIME CVS HEAD. Thanks for the patch!
I think there's an off-by-one in SOURCE-LOCATION. In Emacs, a buffer starts at 1, but in Common Lisp a file-position starts at 0. (Caveat: `(goto-char 0)' in DWIM fashion will also bring you to the beginning of a buffer.) I think that's the reason why you put the (PLUSP POS) there to guard against this issue, but merely passing (IF POS (1+ POS) 1) should also suffice. Perhaps you want to put this into an extra function so the casual hacker will be aware of it more easily. -T.