On 14-Jun-2011 10:49 PM, "Mark Evenson" <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 6/11/11 09:06 , Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
I've always disliked make-immediate-object. Really it serves the purpose of disambiguating a few overloaded values in lisp. I'd like to deprecate it in favor of specific constants for java-true, java-false and null-pointer (the latter is already available as function).
Unless anyone speaks up against this, I will make this change to the Java API.
It seems dangerous to assume that one can get some java array as the underlying object below a lisp array, what with all the hair that lisp arrays can have. Better to allocate your buffer with (jnew-array "byte" 8192) and not get into this game. Or have a documented policy of how java objects correspond to lisp objects and promise to support it forever.
I agree that we probably shouldn't go down the path of exposing the "internal" byte array here.
But I still couldn't find a way to covert a Lisp array of en masse to a Java byte[] structure.
One can't construct a byte from a Lisp integer with JAVA:JNEW
CL-USER> (jnew "byte" 0)
fails with #<JAVA-EXCEPTION java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: byte(java.lang.Integer) {39397F0A}>.
Same for
CL-USER> (jnew "java.lang.Byte" 0)
for the same reason.
One can use the Byte(string) constructor
CL-USER> (jnew "java.lang.Byte" "0")
but that seems kludgy in the extreme. Does anybody have a way to create a JAVA-OBJECT containing a byte? Did I miss something basic?
Yeah, I've forgotten and "worked around" this a few times. I think I have always converged on (jcall-raw "byteValue" 23) for getting single byte values.
And JNEW-ARRAY-FROM-ARRAY on a Lisp vectors of
I have been filling in the array content element by element, after getting individual byte values as above. Yong