Hi Ziga,
I've tested Maxima with ABCL. While it runs, which is rather cool, it's fairly slow!
It's great to see you testing ABCL! Yes, it's rather slow, that's true. We know the performance can be improved by about 30% quite easily. However, the effort to do so lies with the Maxima team: In ABCL, access to special variables is rather slow. Maxima uses global special variables with names which are later used as local non-special variables. However, since they have been declared special (globally), that code takes the "variable is special"-slowness hit too. The solution on the side of Maxima is to rename all variables which are meant to be globally special to the CL naming scheme where the name is put between asterisks.
On my computer (with -server) Maxima on ABCL is about 10x - 20x slower than SBCL for various operations in Maxima (and using 3-4x more RAM). I don't know much about implementation details - but as far as I know, every lisp object is encapsulated in a Java object, so there is a lot of allocation going on. Compiler is also very slow (compared to SBCL).
ABCL will probably always stay slower than SBCL: The JVM is a rather strict environment in which you have to play by its rules. SBCL can generate transfers of control which are not allowed by the JVM. For example, if a function has optional parameters, SBCL jumps somewhere into the middle of the function in the case where all parameters have been provided. We can't do tricks like that.
My question is, is performance ever increase dramatically (perhaps with java 7?) or is ABCL inherently slower because of the JVM? Clojure performs better than ABCL usually and is also running on JVM. I don't know about KAWA. Is JVM bytecode not flexible enough to perhaps reuse some compilation techniques of native compilers (CCL, SBCL) ?
The latter is indeed one of the problems. Also: there are a lot of micro optimizations implemented throughout the years in SBCL which make it a lot faster. And, also important: it does full-program analysis and type derivation; the most clever one of all the lisps around. This too alows for generation of a lot more efficient code. ABCL hasn't grown to a stage near any of that level.
I was thinking about writing a GUI for maxima in java, using ABCL to run Maxima. This way the gui could interact directly with the lisp functions of Maxima. But the main advantage of Maxima is IMO that it can be easily extended via Lisp, which can compile to near C speed on native compilers such as SBCL and CCL. Using ABCL (if it is as slow as it is now), this would not be true and the only fast extensions to Maxima could be written in Java perhaps, which is fine, but is not portable to other CLs and Java code is verbose.
Right. However, we really want to improve general and specific performance. So, if you have some time to analyse which functions in Maxima consume the most execution time, then maybe we can find out together how to adapt ABCL to perform better in that area? Bye, Erik.