​A quick note 
​ have some projects in which I use ABCL on that still need java1.6  I was unable 
​to use the new code as well 

1. Un-deprecate SYS:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND. Use the pre Java 7 APIs as best
we can to support invoking programs, which essentially boils down to
being able to take a string, attempt to invoke it, and return its stdout
as a string.

2.    Re-code the SYS:RUN-PROGRAM Java callsite linkages so that ABCL
may be compiled on pre-Java7 JDKs. Produce an intelligible error if it
is invoked on a pre-Java7 JVM.

3.     Create an API to determine runtime JVM version. Wrap
UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM invocation in some sort of handler that will "fall
back" to using SYS:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND if it has compatible behavior via
specified args. This will potentially be fairly ugly code ASDF-side so
we might provide a shim that UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM invokes that contains the
logic outside the ASDF code base.

Any objections to this path forward?

"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before, but there
is nothing to compare to it now."