On Dec 23, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Peter Olsen wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I've been trying to run ABCL with JSS. I load ABCL then I try to '(load "invoke.lisp")'. I always get an error
Peters-MacBook-Pro:bin pcolsen$ java -cp jscheme.jar -jar abcl-1.0.0.jar Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.0.0
'-cp' and '-jar' are mutually exclusive options, so one needs to add 'jscheme.jar' on the CLASSPATH via osx$ CLASSPATH=/path/to/jscheme.jar java -jar abcl-1.0.0.jar A rewritten version of JSS (jss-3.0) that no longer needs jscheme.jar or the BSH jar is now included in ABCL (and therefore wouldn't need to find the 'jsint.Invoke' Java class which can be loaded via the abcl-contrib mechanism: CL-USER> (require 'abcl-contrib) CL-USER> (require 'jss) Unfortunately, we shipped abcl-1.0.0 with this loading broken (and have been too busy to release a followup abcl-1.0.1 to fix it), so to get this to work, one needs to [build ABCL from svn trunk][1]. [1]: http://svn.common-lisp.net/armedbear/trunk/abcl The version of JSS included with ABCL should be mostly backwards compatible with Alan Ruttenberg's version. All of the JSS symbols have been moved into the new JSS package, but one can enable the old bindings in CL-USER via an invocation of the JSS:ENSURE-COMPATIBILITY. If you have problems with the new JSS, I would definitely welcome bug reports.