Hello everyone
I intend to use ABCL in one of my projects. I've started to connectiing to a postgresq database via jdbc. I've tried something like:
-------8<------- (add-to-classpath (merge-pathnames #p".m2/repository/postgresql/postgresql/8.4-702.jdbc4/postgresql-8.4-702.jdbc4.jar"
(jstatic "forName" "java.lang.Class" "org.postgresql.Driver") -------8<-------
But it always returns -------8<------- Java exception 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver'. [Condition of type JAVA-EXCEPTION] -------8<------- The jar file exists, and has the proper class inside. I've read the manual, and googled a bit, but still get the same error. I'm using Ubuntu Linux, with OpenJDK 1.6.0_24, and the latest and greatest ABCL downloaded as a binary from ABCL website. Can someone point me what I'm doing wrong?
Many thanks for this great project!!