On Jul 14, 2011, at 20:42 , Erik Huelsmann wrote:
My idea would be to disambiguate the two functions by making writeToString() a java-side PRINT-OBJECT, renaming it to printObject() and documenting that's what it does. Then, probably, the lisp side function %write-to-string should be renamed to %print-object too. Probably, more adjustments are required throughout the code base, but those are probably at the 'implementation detail' level.
I think that the meaning of writeToString() was that the function should provide an implementation of serialization to a string able to be READ with the #S notation. It is not really performing a PRINT-OBJECT-alike function which is a specialization of such an implementation on Lisp STANDARD-OBJECT or STRUCTURE-OBJECT. On the other hand there is some justification for not calling such an implementation writeToString() as that will certainly confuse a Java user used to every object either inheriting or overrriding java.lang.Object.toString(). I might suggest then, that to clarify that this function isn't a direct implementation of CL's PRINT-OBJECT which actually takes an both arguments to specify the object it is operating on and to specify the output streamthat we rename the Java-side to writeLispObject(). The return type of this method, java.lang.String, makes something more verbose like writeLispObjectToString() superfluous. I'd leave the Lisp %write-to-string alone, as the presence of WRITE-TO-STRING in the CL namespace makes it pretty clear that this is the primitive implementation. Since %write-to-string has a simple implementation, looking up its behavior is rather easy. In any case, I would take advantage of the architecture I started to define in org.armedbear.lisp.protocol to create an interface which defines this contract: package org.armedbear.lisp.protocol; /** The implementing object can be serialized ala WRITE. */ public interface WriteSerializable { // XXX not crazy about the name here /** Serialize the implementing object instance in a manner that may be READ via #S */ public String writeLispObject(); } and then make LispObject implement this interface. This provides a suitable place for encapsulation and documentation, being the natural place that a Java programmer will go to figure out what this method should do as it implements the interface. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."