Yup. It works very well now! Thanks! Bye, Erik. On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Rudolf Schlatte <rudi@constantly.at> wrote:
On Aug 7, 2012, at 20:41, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:
So, just to show the code that's failing to be correctly compiled:
Form 1: (define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-optional.4 () ((methods ())) (:arguments &optional (a :default sup-p)) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method)) methods) (values ,a ,sup-p)))
Form 2: (defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-optional.4a (x &optional b) (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-optional.4) (:method (x &optional b) (progn x b)))
My compilation steps are to go into Form 1 and hit C-c C-c. Then do the same with Form 2.
Every time when I do that, the method combination of the generic function comes out with #<METHOD-COMBINATION STANDARD>. Which is clearly wrong.
After fixing Stas's bug report (missing :method-combination initarg for standard-generic-functions), following this recipe gets me the right method combination. Can you re-check as well?