Dear ABCL developers, it looks like ABCL is not doing the Right Thing with respect to LOAD's :EXTERNAL-FORMAT argument, instead reading everything with some dubious default from the environment. Can you fix it? For instance, in Robert Golman's test below, the file is read as MacRoman. Please check COMPILE-FILE too in case it has the same bug. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• Men have a much better time of it than women; for one thing they marry later; for another thing they die earlier. — H.L. Mencken ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Robert Goldman <> Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:15 PM Subject: Re: [asdf-devel] Test results on Mac OSX To: Faré <> Cc: ASDF-devel <> On 2/25/13 Feb 25 -10:34 AM, Faré wrote:
But when I look for "should be" in my test output file, it is many lines away from the failure message.
That's autoloading for you.
Can you trace LOAD* COMPILE-FILE* and/or COMPILE-FILE LOAD and check that indeed :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :UTF-8 is used?
If it isn't, then it's a bug in our code or test (Note: considering the portable nature of the code, and the fact that it works for me, that is unlikely.)
If it is, then it's time to file a bug against ABCL. (Note: considering that I already had to disable most of the test for ABCL, that is very likely.)
rlwrap abcl (load "test/script-support.lisp") (da) (la) (trace load compile-file load* compile-file*) (load "test/test-encodings.script")
Done. I'm afraid the results are Greek to me. Or would be if I could get ABCL to print non-ASCII! ;-) ASDF-TEST(7): (load "test-encodings.script") 0: (LOAD "test-encodings.script") ; Loading /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/test-encodings.script ... Test TEST-ENCODING-EXPLICIT-U8: should be UTF-8 ; Registering #<ASDF/SYSTEM:SYSTEM "test-encoding-explicit-u8"> 1: (ASDF/LISP-BUILD:LOAD* #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/lambda.lisp" :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :UTF-8) 2: (LOAD #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/lambda.lisp" :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :UTF-8) ; Loading /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/lambda.lisp ... ; Loaded /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/lambda.lisp (0.0020 seconds) 2: LOAD returned T 1: LOAD* returned T Error loading /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/test-encodings.script at line 43 (offset 1675) #<THREAD "interpreter" {9C2DF08}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR On sub-test Encoding test EXPLICIT-U8. These two expressions fail comparison with EQUAL: (ASDF-TEST::STRING-CHAR-CODES "λ") evaluates to (338 170) (ASDF-TEST::EXPECTED-CHAR-CODES (QUOTE :UTF-8)) evaluates to (955) Best, r