I've been trying to resuscitate some old code that used some functions I wrote in ABCL into a larger Java system (if anyone cares, the PRISM probabilistic model checker). I'm getting the following error message: ``` ; Compiling jar:file:///Users/rpg/projects/matrics/prism/prism/lib/abcl-contrib.jar!/asdf-jar/package.lisp ... ; (DEFPACKAGE #:ASDF-JAR ...) ; Wrote /Users/rpg/.cache/common-lisp/abcl-1.9.2-fasl43-macosx-arm64/Users/rpg/projects/matrics/prism/prism/lib/abcl-contrib.jar/asdf-jar/package-tmp1FUW82KK.abcl (0.022 seconds) ; Compiling jar:file:///Users/rpg/projects/matrics/prism/prism/lib/abcl-contrib.jar!/asdf-jar/asdf-jar.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE #:ASDF-JAR) ; (DEFUN ADD-SYSTEM-FILES-TO-MAPPING! ...) ; (DEFUN SYSTEMS->HASH-TABLE ...) ; (DEFUN PACKAGE ...) ; (DEFUN ALL-FILES ...) ; (DEFUN RESOLVE-SYSTEM-OR-FEATURE ...) ; (DEFUN DEPENDENT-SYSTEMS ...) ; (DEFUN ARCHIVE-RELATIVE-PATH ...) ; (DEFUN TMPDIR ...) ; (DEFUN ADD-TO-ASDF ...) ; (DEFUN PREPARE-FOR-WAR ...) ; Wrote /Users/rpg/.cache/common-lisp/abcl-1.9.2-fasl43-macosx-arm64/Users/rpg/projects/matrics/prism/prism/lib/abcl-contrib.jar/asdf-jar/asdf-jar-tmpLI46SF5K.abcl (0.206 seconds) #<THREAD "main" native {753AACF}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR The value #<jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders.... {6470078D}> is not of type LIST. [1] CL-USER(1): Exception trying to start ABCL PRISM! ``` backtrace: [gist here](https://gist.github.com/rpgoldman/c50f2d371386d13d4a98e2fe84a86be5") This is Java 23, and I suspect I should be trying an earlier version, but I'm not sure what one. I'm really barely literate in Java, which is why I wrote the code in question in ABCL instead of Java, so I apologize if this question is just plain stupid. Thanks for any clues