Today Erik configured for me a VM on his server, where I can run cl-test-grid tests. We were trying the recent ABCL trunk (1.2.0-dev-svn-14436) on the very very recent quicklisp 2013-03-12, which includes long awaited releases for closer-mop and cffi with ABCL patches. Some notes I collected: 1. New CFFI tries to (require :jss) and fails, because (require :abcl-contrib) hasn't been done. If we do (require :abcl-contrib) then CFFI loads. 2. But when we test actual work, for example by doing (ql:quickload :drakma) (drakma:http-request "https://google.com/") it fails with strange error "UNDEFINED-FUNCTION is called". On SBCL these calls work. 3. (ql:quickload "cl-l10n") fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBounds - may be an ABCL bug. Aside from this, closer-mop seems working (at leas compilation of dependent library "access" doesn't fail anymore). Mark, If you want to quickly reproduce the above problems, you can access the server at cl-test-grid.cloud.efficito.com. Username - testgrid. Erik have added your ssh public key from common-lisp.net to that server. To start ABCL you can use rlwrap java -jar ~/lisps/abcl/dist/abcl.jar (ql:quickload :cl-l10n) => ERROR: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 Before starting cl-test-grid tests, I would like to understand, should cl-test-grid always pass --eval "(require :abcl-contrib)" parameter to ABCL when starting it to run a test? Previously cl-test-grid only tested pure ABCL, without contribs. Feedback on this question is very welcome. Best regards, - Anton