24.03.2013, 14:44, "Erik Huelsmann" <ehuels@gmail.com>:
But on the XPATH issue, I'm mostly very happy to know we've found and solved a compiler stability issue in light of compiling sources with shared structure.
Speaking of compiler stability issues, consider fixing the :CRASH results I've reported earlier: 23.03.2013, 01:35, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
To give you sense of ABCL progress, here is the report comparing ABCL 1.1.1 on two quicklisps: 2013-02-17 and 2013-03-12: http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/abcl/abcl-diff4.html
As you see, much more libraries compile OK in new quicklisp.
Note, these two quicklisps were tested on different machines, and the later quicklisp was tested with absence of gcc. This explains failure of cl-gss for example, which can be ignored.
Pay attention to some CRASH results in new quicklisp. These crashes reproduce in 1.2.0-dev too and are caused by various errors in ABCL (like index out of bounds, assertion failed).
Command line to reproduce it at the cl-test-grid.cloud.efficito.com machine, as user testgrid:
rm -r .cache/common-lisp/ java -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -jar /home/testgrid/lisps/abcl/dist/abcl.jar --noinit --nosystem --batch --eval '(require :abcl-contrib)' --load /home/testgrid/quicklisp/setup.lisp --eval '(ql:quickload :cl-l10n)' > log 2>&1
IMHO, those crashes are likely to be low hanging fruis, errors like "assert failed" or "index out of bounds" may be caused by some little typos. Best regards, - Anton