On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 3/21/11 15:21 , Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
Hi, Mark
I'm interesting in your work.
First, I'd like to know, how to do a "condition variable wait with timeout" with your exist work,
It should be pretty easy, as THREADS:OBJECT-WAIT has an optional parameter for TIMEOUT (see [the Java API for the semantics associated with this value][1])
[1]: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html#wait%28lo...
So, one could naively extend my BORDEAUX-THREADS implementation as follows:
(defun condition-wait (condition lock &optional timeout) (threads:synchronized-on condition (release-lock lock) (if timeout (threads:object-wait condition timeout) (threads:object-wait condition)) (acquire-lock lock))
But then a wait on the condition variable which exceeded the timeout would be the same as a thread which was notified, which probably isn't what we want.
If you don't need to follow the B-T API, then I might go for an encapsulation [of the actual Condition class][2] which returns a boolean indicating whether the wait has returned because the timeout has expired.
Is condition-wait's return value significant? If not, it could be a boolean telling the user the if a timeout is the reason for the wakeup. object-wait would need to be modified accordingly. However, this is stepping outside the bordeaux-threads API, your code won't be portable.
[2]: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/locks/Cond...
I'm not sure of your comfort with ABCL's Java FFI, but I would be happy to mentor you through an implementation that suits your needs, subject to possible time delays on my part due to other tasks.
Second, do you think it's possible to make ABCL supporting some atomic operations, something like ATOMIC-INCF or ATOMIC-PUSH, this can be very useful to implement some lockless algorithms.
Here, I would use the [atomic lock-free implementation in the JVM][3], which could give us such things quite cheaply.
[3]: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/atomic/pac...
That's the way to do it on the JVM, but note that you need to declare in advance that you want an atomically-updatable "thing": (let ((foo 1)) (atomic-incf foo)) ;;won't work (let ((foo (make-atomic-integer 1))) (atomic-incf foo)) ;;this will this means you can't mix atomic references with unaware code, unless we provide atomic versions of LispObject and friends. Alessio