On Aug 26, 2013, at 00:18, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Rich,
On Aug 25, 2013 11:51 PM, "Rich Morin" <rdm@cfcl.com> wrote:
I'm involved with a project that uses Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL). I'm interested in the possibility of moving it to ABCL, in order to take advantage of interoperability with some other JVM languages (eg, Clojure, JRuby, Jython).
FYI, the project software currently uses several requires:
(require :bordeaux-threads)
Bordeaux-threads - if taken to be recent enough - should not be a problem ...
(require :mcclim) ; CLIM public implementation
... but this require might be a challenge. I know that Rudi Schlatte started to port McCLIM to ABCL. I have no idea what his current progress is.
Now that abcl has a mop implementation, a port is theoretically possible. In fact, porting the existing X-Windows backend should not be too much work. I started noodling around with a Swing-based backend, but did not progress beyond an application frame with vertically stacked labels so far. Current progress is at https://github.com/rudi/mcclim/tree/abcl-backend; I'm not working actively on it currently but it can serve as the basis for a port of the X-Windows backend since the abcl-specific files are there. Rudi