I tried compiling it and was presented with the following error: .... [java] ; Loading C:/Downloads/Armed_Bear_Lisp/abcl-src-1.5.0/build/classes/org/armedbear/lisp/abcl-contrib.abcl ... [java] [java] ; Compilation unit finished [java] ; The following functions were used but not defined: [java] ; SYSTEM::SOURCE [java] [java] 311.988 seconds real time [java] 249904041 cons cells [java] JAVA-EXCEPTION: Java exception 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: No applicable method named getURLs found in java.lang.ClassLoader or jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader'. BUILD FAILED C:\Downloads\Armed_Bear_Lisp\abcl-src-1.5.0\build.xml:280: The following error occurred while executing this line: C:\Downloads\Armed_Bear_Lisp\abcl-src-1.5.0\build.xml:299: Java returned: -1 Total time: 6 minutes 11 seconds It compiled successfully under JDK_1_8_0_144. Has anyone else seen this?