In SBCL and Allegro, it's possible for UIOP to create a pathname for a file whose name is "*" and then we can find a file with such a(n odd) pathname.
On ABCL, though, this gives me an error:
(truename (ensure-pathname "*"))
(truename (uiop:ensure-pathname "*")) #<THREAD "interpreter" native {21C91F12}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type FILE-ERROR Cannot find the TRUENAME for a wild pathname.
But actually, I don't think this is a wild pathname:
CL-USER(4): (describe (uiop:ensure-pathname "*")) #P"*" is an object of type PATHNAME: HOST NIL DEVICE NIL DIRECTORY NIL NAME "*" TYPE :UNSPECIFIC VERSION NIL
this is a wild pathname:
CL-USER(5): (describe (parse-namestring "*")) #P"*" is an object of type PATHNAME: HOST NIL DEVICE NIL DIRECTORY NIL NAME :WILD TYPE NIL VERSION NIL
Is this an ABCL bug, since it means ABCL cannot address a file whose name is "*"?
The interested may refer to this ASDF issue and the corresponding merge request.