On 12/14/16 14:54, Mirko Vukovic wrote:
See below:
On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 10:45 PM Mirko Vukovic <mirko.vukovic@gmail.com> wrote:
I have installed ABCL 1.4 on Windows 10 and Java 1.7.
When loading some libraries, I get a stack overflow error.
For example loading vecto fails
vecto passes the cl-test-grid on linux (see https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/library/vecto.html)
I did a bit more probing to try and isolate the cause of the overflow:
- ASDF file manually loads and compiles - I could manually load all the pre-requisite libraries - I could manually compile and load all the lisp files
Looking at the error message in frame 8 (see below), the cause may be in the slime/swank interaction with abcl.
I may take this up at the slime mailing list. […]
[…] I don't think that SLIME is the culprit from that stack frame, which is merely the act of SLIME eval'ing the ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM form. Unfortunately, I can't replicate your problem. I don't have access to Windows 10, but for my closest version of Java7
CL-USER(5): (lisp-implementation-version) (lisp-implementation-version) "1.4.0" "OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM-Oracle_Corporation-1.7.0_111-b01" "amd64-FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-p1"
The form
(ql:quickload :vecto)
succeeds for me with
CL-USER(1): (ql:quickload :vecto) (ql:quickload :vecto) To load "vecto": Install 5 Quicklisp releases: cl-vectors salza2 vecto zpb-ttf zpng ; Fetching #<QL-HTTP:URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/salza2/2013-07-20/salza2-2.0.9.tgz"> ; 15.16KB ================================================== 15,525 bytes in 0.0 seconds (1684.57KB/sec) ; Fetching #<QL-HTTP:URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/zpng/2015-04-07/zpng-1.2.2.tgz"> ; 39.20KB ================================================== 40,141 bytes in 0.00 seconds (13066.73KB/sec) ; Fetching #<QL-HTTP:URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/zpb-ttf/2013-07-20/zpb-ttf-1.0.3.tgz"> ; 43.82KB ================================================== 44,869 bytes in 0.00 seconds (14605.79KB/sec) ; Fetching #<QL-HTTP:URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/cl-vectors/2015-04-07/cl-vectors-20150407-git.tgz"> ; 30.70KB ================================================== 31,440 bytes in 0.17 seconds (180.61KB/sec) ; Fetching #<QL-HTTP:URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/vecto/2014-11-06/vecto-1.4.10.tgz"> ; 62.84KB ================================================== 64,346 bytes in 0.27 seconds (235.35KB/sec) ; Loading "vecto" [package net.tuxee.aa]............................ [package net.tuxee.aa-bin]........................ [package net.tuxee.paths]......................... [package net.tuxee.vectors]....................... [package salza2].................................. [package zpng].................................... [package zpb-ttf]......; Note: deleting unused local function FLET QUIETLY-CLOSE ; in (DEFUN ARRANGE-FINALIZATION ...)
; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable OBJECT is defined but never used.
; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable STREAM is defined but never used.
; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable CHECKSUM is defined but never used.
; Caught COMPILE-WARNED-WARNING: ; Lisp compilation had style-warnings while compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "zpb-ttf" "font-loader-interface">
........................... [package vecto].. ; in (DEFUN DRAW-ARC-CURVES ...)
; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable X1 is defined but never used.
; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable Y1 is defined but never used.
. ; Caught COMPILE-WARNED-WARNING: ; Lisp compilation had style-warnings while compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "vecto" "user-drawing">
; Compilation unit finished ; Caught 2 WARNING conditions ; Caught 5 STYLE-WARNING conditions ; The following functions were used but not defined: ; NET.TUXEE.AA::COPY-CELL
Have you tried just loading VECTOR (and its declared Quicklisp dependendencies) to eliminate other code as the source of the error? You may want to try with Java8 to see if that makes any difference. P.S. Unless you are subscribed to <https://mailman.common-lisp.net/listinfo/armedbear-devel>, someone (me, usually) needs to approve your messages to the mailing list manually, so there will be a delay in your messages. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."