Rudolf Schlatte <rudi@constantly.at> writes:
Hi Stas,
This should be fixed in r14134, together with a bug reported by Pascal Costanza.
Now another problem, almost the same code, except for slot definitions: (defpackage test2 (:use :cl :mop)) (in-package test2) (defclass storable-class (standard-class) ()) (defmethod validate-superclass ((class standard-class) (superclass storable-class)) t) (defmethod validate-superclass ((class storable-class) (superclass standard-class)) t) ;;; (defclass identifiable () ((id :accessor id :initform 1)) (:metaclass storable-class)) Now ID slot is unbound and bound at the same time, despite having an initform. (describe (make-instance 'identifiable)) #<IDENTIFIABLE {181F4B24}> is an instance of #<STORABLE-CLASS IDENTIFIABLE {1E4B2D10}>. The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation: ID unbound (slot-boundp (make-instance 'identifiable) 'id) => NIL (slot-value (make-instance 'identifiable) 'id) => 1 -- With best regards, Stas.