On 4/30/10 1:59 AM, Carlos Ungil wrote: […]
On MacOSX, and I guess on all non-Windows systems, #p"/:jar:file/**/*.*" equals (make-pathname :type :wild :name :wild :directory '(:absolute ":jar:file" :wild-inferiors))
On Windows, this pathname is parsed differently: the result is a relative directory in a device called "/" (as mentioned in a trac ticket, this causes an error).
Is there a reason why the pathname has to start with "/:"? I changed it to #P"/jar:file/**.*" (and made a similar change inside translate-jar-pathname, from "/:jar:file/" to "/jar:file/"). This seems to work on both macosx and windows (at least I can load asdf systems).
I wonder if something else might be broken with the change.
ASDF systems should now load properly in ABCL under windows with [r12644][1]. In addition, the Windows drive letter is now used to properly disambiguate cache entries. Please let me know if you find any other issues, and thanks for the report! [1]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/changeset/12644 -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."