After further analysis, the new plan of attack: 1. Continue to deprecate SYS:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND, as the JVM-[56] actually seem to provide all the behavior we need. 2. Fully support the current signature of the abcl-1.5.0-dev SYS:RUN-PROGRAM as extended by Pipping and Olof. The environment clearing/setting will work without alterations. "All that is needed" is to create an org.abcl.util.AsyncIOManager using the non-blocking file descriptor framework in java.jnio (introduced in JVM5) to drain/fill input/output org.armedbear.lisp.Stream instances. Pipping has collected a thorough test suite for the SYS:RUN-PROGRAM behavior, which will be of great use in implementation. The use of SYS:RUN-PROGRAM as invoked by UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM as the implementation interface should mean that ASDF should "just work" when the new code passes Pipping's test suite. TODO: transcribe details of SYS:RUN-PROGAM test suite invocation; implement ASyncIOManager. Such work is intended for an abcl-1.4.1 release by the end of November 2016. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."