On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Mark Evenson <evenson.not.org@gmail.com> wrote:
The [java.util.concurrent][1] package as [thread pool Executors][2] that definitely don't poll, and arguably provide some of the most performant queuing available for the Oracle JVM implementation. At least you need a good reason *not* to use it, as it is thoroughly debugged and tested. Suggest using [JSS][3]
OK thanks for the info. Just so I can evaluate my options better -- do you foresee ABCL behaving like the other implementations in the future? That is, executing cleanup forms when the protected form is halted? As I mentioned, this is independent (at least conceptually) of an actual thread death event, which happens at some unspecified point in the future (or not) and is uninteresting (at least to me) as long as the cleanup gets executed.