Hi everyone, Does ABCL support wild-inferiors in any way at all? DIRECTORY, which calls SYSTEM::LIST-DIRECTORIES-WITH-WILDCARDS, does not return a list of the whole subtree, although ABCL seems to understand the "**" notation for :wild-inferiors. Notably, asdf's :tree directive won't work, which was how I stumbled onto this. CL-USER(56): (pathname-directory "/home/temp/**/") (:ABSOLUTE "home" "temp" :WILD-INFERIORS) CL-USER(55): (system::list-directories-with-wildcards "/home/temp/**/") NIL CL-USER(60): (system::wild-p :wild) T CL-USER(59): (system::wild-p :wild-inferiors) NIL Also, for the following error, I am running armedbear 0.21.0 on Linux ackbar 2.6.28-19-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 18 20:55:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux and with java: java version "1.6.0_18" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.1) (6b18-1.8.1-0ubuntu1~9.04.1) OpenJDK Client VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode, sharing) CL-USER(5): (directory #p"/home/*/") #<THREAD "interpreter" {1217E67}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR The value NIL is not of type (OR PATHNAME STRING FILE-STREAM SYSTEM:JAR-STREAM SYSTEM:URL-STREAM). Restarts: 0: TOP-LEVEL Return to top level. [1] CL-USER(4): :bt 0: (SYSTEM:BACKTRACE) 1: (INVOKE-DEBUGGER #<TYPE-ERROR {1D382AB}>) 2: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp.error(Lisp.java:353) 3: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp.type_error(Lisp.java:394) 4: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp.coerceToPathname(Lisp.java:1770) 5: org.armedbear.lisp.Pathname$pf_pathname.execute(Pathname.java:1134) 6: org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol.execute(Symbol.java:776) 7: org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread.execute(LispThread.java:568) Although this works: [1] CL-USER(5): (directory #p"/home/*") (#P"/home/tyc20/" #P"/home/common/") Yong.