On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 6:54 AM, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
Right now, wildcards (and DIRECTORY) don't work inside JARs which would be the first step to autodiscovery.
Recall that I had a patch for that that could probably be easily adapted. (advise directory (let* ((translated (translate-logical-pathname (car arglist))) (device (pathname-device translated))) (if (and device (eql 0 (search "jar:file:" (namestring device)))) (directory-in-jar translated) (:do-it))) :when :around :name jar-file) (defun directory-in-jar (pathname) (let* ((jarfile (subseq (namestring (pathname-device pathname)) 9)) (rest-pathname (namestring (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory pathname) :name (pathname-name pathname) :type (pathname-type pathname))))) (if (or (position #\* (namestring rest-pathname)) (wild-pathname-p rest-pathname)) (let ((jar (jnew "java.util.zip.ZipFile" jarfile))) (let ((els (jcall "entries" jar))) (loop while (#"hasMoreElements" els) for name = (jcall "getName" (#"nextElement" els)) when (pathname-match-p (concatenate 'string "/" name) rest-pathname) collect (make-pathname :device (pathname-device pathname) :name (pathname-name name) :type (pathname-type name) :directory `(:absolute ,@(cdr (pathname-directory name))))))) (let ((truename (probe-file-in-jar pathname))) (if truename (list truename) nil))))) -Alan