Hi Mark, Today I tried to run ABCL's tests on Windows. I seem to have an issue, either with the new ASDF stuff, or with the new Pathname stuff. I'm not sure which, but hopefully you do. This is the output I get from "ant test.abcl" on Windows: [java] Error while trying to load definition for system abcl from pathname C:\Users\Erik\Documents\abcl-j\abcl.asd: Pathname has no namestring: #P(:DEVICE "C" :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "Users" "Erik" "Documents" "abcl-j") :NAME "abcl-test-lisp" :TYPE "asd.lnk" :VERSION :NEWEST) [java] Java Result: 2 [echo] Finished recording test output in abcl-test-20101530-1515.log. While I'm not asking you to fix it, could you indicate where I should start looking? Thanks in advance! Bye, Erik.