There is a problem in the MOP implementation in abcl 1.2.0: It seems that the parameter list for std-find-method-combination has changed, but the corresponding :initform for :method-combination for standard-generic-function has not been updated to reflect this. I now get an error that std-find-method-combination gets the wrong number of arguments in my test suites.
I don't have a good idea how to work around this problem in Closer to MOP, so I believe I cannot officially declare support for abcl 1.2.0.
Another recommendation: The *features* list currently doesn't provide a way to detect the version of abcl. Most Common Lisp implementation have one convention or the other to encode this information. If I had a workaround for the above problem, detecting the version via *features* would allow me to provide a version of Closer to MOP that works with several versions of abcl. (This may, however, not be as crucial as for the commercial implementations.)
Best, Pascal
-- Pascal Costanza