On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 12:21 PM, santi <scarbonell@ono.com> wrote:
I'm working with a lisp software called "Babylon". Babylon is a software from AI that works with frames, prolog....
Ok, let's try to be more scientific. The only mentions of Babylon I could find from a quick Google search date back to the late 90's. Is Babylon available for download somewhere? Is someone actively developing it? From your words, it seems like you're already running it on another Lisp implementation. Is that the case? If yes, which implementation? ABCL fully implements ANSI Common Lisp, but Babylon might use implementation-specific extensions, or techniques like tail recursion that don't work well on ABCL (since you're mentioning stack overflows, that might be a reason).
What I'm trying to do is to load Babylon into a JVM and then call its functions using a Java interface, for example Java Swing or AWT. This is why I'm trying to use ABCL to load Babylon into JVM
If everything else fails, you can always run Babylon where you're running it now, develop a communication protocol to talk with it remotely, and use a JVM client with ABCL speaking the same protocol to do whatever GUI stuff you want. This is easier than it sounds in Lisp because, security and efficiency concerns aside, you can just send printed S-expressions back and forth. Peace, Alessio