I committed (r12756) a simple implementation of SLOT-VALUE and friends (setf slot-value, slot-boundp, slot-makunbound) for structures. It searches for slots by iterating through the list of slot names stored in the structure-class, which is probably not very good performance-wise (CLOS objects use a map). Structure slots are initialized to NIL and can't be unbound, and slot-boundp/slot-makunbound reflect this.
I also added the necessary autoloads to autoloads.lisp.
Bye, Alessio
Regarding the initialization, this is not quite true; CLHS defstruct says
If a slot is not initialized in this way, it is initialized by evaluating slot-initform in the slot description at the time the constructor function is called. If no slot-initform is supplied, the consequences are undefined if an attempt is later made to read the slot's value before a value is explicitly assigned.
As consequences are undefined, always returning NIL is compliant, but you could also make it signal an error, and make SLOT-BOUNDP cover this case.