On 21 January 2011 20:50, Blake McBride <blake@mcbride.name> wrote:
I tried putting your (pprint 42) right before the line that causes the problem and I got: 42 #<THREAD "http-8084-3" {3D33EF4C}>: Unhandled condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR: There is no applicable method for the generic function ~S when called with arguments ~S.
I think I've found the reason, and it's not autoload but rather Condition.getMessage(), which was never intended to return anything in its base form. It used to print getFormatControl().toString(), which sometimes printed crap like org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp$unboundValue@19ccb73. Then Alessio committed a fix that makes Condition.getMessage() return getFormatControl only if format control has been bound. I think the correct approach is to make Condition.getMessage() return null. That fixes the (time) example Blake posted, and does the right thing for type-errors that used to print unboundValue. I'll go through the rest of Blake's reports, see that the others are fixed and will commit the patch after that. Thanks for the reports, fixing this soon.