On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 22:58:25 -0700 don-sourceforge-xxz@isis.cs3-inc.com (Don Cohen) wrote:
Matthew D. Swank writes:
If you are compiling code to the JVM where would the code go but in a method? If you are defining a method, where would you put it but in a class. I don't know what you mean by compiling code "to the jvm".
Well in the context of abcl, a Common Lisp implementation that _targets_ the JVM, perhaps we could have a more fruitful discussion if you focus on what jvm bytecodes represent: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jvms/second_edition/html/VMSpecTOC.doc.html. No matter how you are interacting with a class loader, no matter what the concrete representation of the byte code is in the compiler implementation, when it's loaded, when java sees it, it's all classes and methods. It's not clisp bytecode, it's not p-code, it's not even Squeak s-code (though that's probably closer), it's Java. That means the issues are very concrete: how is it possible to make compiled classes available to the JVM (presumably w/o using the file system). Matt -- "You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother." -- Albert Einstein.