I am having trouble getting certain aspects of a soap client working using abcl's java interop; most likely, this is the result of my ignorance of how certain things map from java to lisp. Any help would be appreciated! The soap service is defined by this wsdl: http://chatsubo.net/~raison/usaepay.wsdl. The provider has a java library available for download at http://wiki.usaepay.com/developer/soap-1.4/howto/javajaxws. I have been able to use this library successfully in abcl (creating objects, calling methods on those objects, etc.), except when I need to call any of the methods defined in the java.rmi.Remote UeSoapServerPortType interface. For example, the method addCustomer is defined in the files http://chatsubo.net/~raison/UeSoapServerBindingStub.java and http://chatsubo.net/~raison/UeSoapServerPortType.java. No matter how I try to find the method (using jcall or various combinations of jmethod and class refs), I simply cannot find this method. What am I missing here? Thanks for any assistance! -Kevin -- Kevin Raison Founder Chatsubo.net, LLC http://chatsubo.net/ (p) 206-801-5728 (f) 206-801-5729