On 2015/7/26 12:30, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
On 24 Jul 2015, at 14:33, Alejandro Zamora Fonseca <terefv@ltu.sld.cu <mailto:terefv@ltu.sld.cu>> wrote:
Just now playing a little with ABCL(1.3.2), I saw some strange behaviour:
CL-USER> '(2 . 5) (2 . 5) CL-USER> '(2 . 5 . 5) (2 . 5) CL-USER> (equal '(2 . 5) '(2 . 5 . 5)) T
while other implementations give me an error when i type '(2 . 5 . 5) it's a bug or ANSI CL allows this?
ANSI CL specifies the lisp reader in such a way that (2 . 5 . 5) is not a valid syntax. However, ANSI CL specifies that implementation may extend the CL language, UNDER THE CONDITION that extensions BE DOCUMENTED.
Therefore, IF it is written in ABCL documentation that (2 . 5 . x) reads as (2 . 5) THEN it is not a bug, but an ABCL specific extension, ELSE it is a conformity bug, it should signal a READER-ERROR (or perhaps just an ERROR).
As far as I can tell, we never intended to extend the reader to accept such forms, so we'll call this a [bug][395]. If changing this to an error breaks anyone's existing code, please let us know. [395]: [http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/395 -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."