[armedbear-devel] Blog to report on ABCL development progress
Yesterday Tobias Rittweiler brought to my attention that all the good work that's being done on the development of ABCL probably has gone unnoticed in the larger Lisp community: we didn't post our release announcements on usenet (comp.lang.lisp) and we don't have a blog to feed the Planet Lisp syndication with. So, as a first step, I created http://abcl-dev.blogspot.com/ seeding it with a first post. A request has been submitted to add the blog to the Planet Lisp feed syndication. Anybody who has an interest in blogging or submitting a blog once in a while, feel free to step up. The blog is intended to be - weekly or bi-weekly, but not high volume - about the highs and lows that make up the ABCL development experience and progress. Bye, Erik.
participants (1)
Erik Huelsmann