#362: GET-JAVA-FIELD doesn't behave orthogonally when TRY-HARDER is T -----------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: robert goldman | Owner: mevenson Type: defect | Status: closed Priority: major | Milestone: 1.4.0 Component: JSS | Version: 1.4.0-dev Resolution: fixed | Keywords: -----------------------------+----------------------- Comment (by mevenson): Replying to [comment:5 robert goldman]:
In general, this is probably an artifact of the split between JSS and JFFI, which seems undesirable. It would be nice to simply fuse JSS into JFFI so that there's only one JFFI to keep track of....
We desire to have a single JFI, that which is contained in the JAVA package, and many extensions (JSS, JFLI, Clojure, etc.) for experimentation. -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/362#comment:7> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear