#360: Unable to load hunchentoot via quicklisp (maven, asdf problem?) -----------------------------+---------------------- Reporter: david creelman | Owner: mevenson Type: defect | Status: accepted Priority: major | Milestone: Component: other | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------------+---------------------- Comment (by mevenson): Replying to [comment:6 alan ruttenberg]: […]
CL-USER> (setq ABCL-ASDF:*MVN-LIBS-DIRECTORY* "/sw/share/maven/lib/") "/sw/share/maven/lib/"
You will have to set *MVN-LIBS-DIRECTORY* to work with Fink installed Maven. The ABCL-ASDF heuristic is to 1) find the directory of the 'mvn' executable, and then 2) merge "../lib/" to find the directory of the Maven jars. Not sure how to extend the current probing behavior to find the Maven jars without resorting to some sort of potentially expensive recursive search. Suggestions would be welcome. -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/360#comment:8> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear