#422: SYSTEM:RUN-PROGRAM does not work on Java 5/6 --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Reporter: | Owner: mevenson | Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: 1.5.0 Component: | Version: 1.4.0 interpreter | Resolution: | Keywords: cffi sys:run-progrom java-5 java-6 Parent Tickets: | --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Comment (by mevenson): Current thinking on resolution of issue: 1. Un-deprecate SYS:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND. Use the pre Java 7 APIs as best we can to support invoking programs. 2. Re-code the SYS:RUN-PROGRAM Java callsite linkages so that ABCL may be compiled on pre-Java7 JDKs. Produce an intelligible error if it is invoked on a pre-Java7 JVM. 3. Create an API to determine runtime JVM version. Wrap UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM invocation in some sort of handler that will "fall back" to using SYS:RUN- SHELL-COMMAND if it has compatible behavior via specified args. This will potentially be fairly ugly code ASDF-side so we might provide a shim that UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM invokes that contains the logic outside the ASDF code base. -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/422#comment:1> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear