#311: UIOP fails to upgrade ---------------------------------------------+------------------------------ Reporter: mevenson | Owner: ehuelsmann Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: 1.2.0 Component: interpreter | Version: 1.2.0-dev Keywords: quicklisp uiop ansi-conformance | ---------------------------------------------+------------------------------ Description changed by mevenson: Old description:
Anton noticed with the cl-test-grid results that UIOP fails to load on abcl-1.2.0-dev which I bisected to the following changeset
{{{ The first bad revision is: changeset: 2305:fbc9c3f7befc user: mevenson@1c010e3e-69d0-11dd-93a8-456734b0d56f date: Sun Jan 27 09:47:48 2013 +0000 summary: asdf- pre asdf-2.27 plus workaround for SETF autoloader problems. }}}
which corresponds to http://trac.common- lisp.net/armedbear/changeset/14362 .
New description: UIOP fails to upgrade due to problems in the the UNEXPORT of a symbol that is both the subject of a USE and EXPORT clause in a package. Probably something to do with not properly copying structure on the Java side of things. -- -- Ticket URL: <http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/ticket/311#comment:6> armedbear <http://common-lisp.net/project/armedbear> armedbear