#399: #\No-break_space has non-ANSI interaction with CL:FORMAT ~C directive -------------------------+---------------------------- Reporter: mevenson | Owner: Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: 1.3.3 Component: interpreter | Version: 1.4.0-dev Keywords: ansi-test | Parent Tickets: -------------------------+---------------------------- The commit to add a character name for No-break_space http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14787 has a bad interaction with the CL:FORMAT ~C directive. The failing ANSI tests are FORMATTER.C.2A FORMAT.C.2A. These are the only known regressions blocking abcl-1.3.3 -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/399> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear