#464: drakma / cl+ssl failure ----------------------------+--------------------------------- Reporter: charmon | Owner: Evenson Not Org Type: defect | Status: assigned Priority: major | Milestone: 1.6.0 Component: libraries | Version: 1.6.0-dev Resolution: | Keywords: cl+ssl, ssl, drakma Parent Tickets: | ----------------------------+--------------------------------- Comment (by charmon): FWIW, going back in time to ABCL fd87311d * @ Update to jna-4.2.2 and CFFI 600f440 * @ Revert "Mutex on hash table for cffi-libffi" and running (asdf:test-system 'cffi) yields: {{{ 3 out of 308 total tests failed: FSBV.WFO, FSBV.MAKEPAIR.1, FSBV.MAKEPAIR.2.No unexpected failures. }}} while running that version of ABCL with current cffi HEAD yields: {{{ 10 out of 325 total tests failed: FUNCALL.VARARGS.NOSTDLIB, FUNCALL.VARARGS.CHAR, FUNCALL.VARARGS.INT, FUNCALL.VARARGS.LONG, FUNCALL.VARARGS.DOUBLE, FUNCALL.VARARGS.STRING, FSBV.WFO, FSBV.MAKEPAIR.1, FSBV.MAKEPAIR.2, TEST-ASDF-LOAD. 7 unexpected failures: FUNCALL.VARARGS.NOSTDLIB, FUNCALL.VARARGS.CHAR, FUNCALL.VARARGS.INT, FUNCALL.VARARGS.LONG, FUNCALL.VARARGS.DOUBLE, FUNCALL.VARARGS.STRING, TEST-ASDF-LOAD. }}} So I think some things got broken along the way in CFFI. I can bisect. -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/464#comment:5> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear