#436: feature request maven exclude dependency ------------------------------+---------------------- Reporter: aruttenberg | Owner: mevenson Type: enhancement | Status: accepted Priority: blocker | Milestone: Component: java | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Parent Tickets: | ------------------------------+---------------------- Comment (by mevenson): Replying to [comment:5 aruttenberg]:
I just got bit by this again.
I'll take a stab at this for abcl-1.5.0 after I rewrite the Aether adapter to have more meaningful failures. Note that the naive implementation of dependency inclusions will not prevent incompatibilities between and within DEFSYSTEM forms, i.e. for a fragment like {{{ (:mvn "net.sourceforge.owlapi/owlapi-distribution/4.2.6" :exclude (":log4j:1.2.14" )) (:mvn "org.apache/tomcat" :exclude (":log4j:1.2.13" )) }}} it is undefined which log4j will be picked up. It might be possible to do something intelligent with specialized class loaders, but given the impacts that Java 9 will have on locating and utilizing JVM artifacts, I'd rather do the simple implementation for exclusion to at least have some ability to get around bugs, and then revisit JVM artifacts when we have a reasonsable abstraction the combines Java [678] with Java 9. -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/436#comment:6> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear