#434: Recent maven distributions not found on mvnrepository.com -------------------------+---------------------- Reporter: aruttenberg | Owner: Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Component: (A)MOP | Version: Keywords: | Parent Tickets: -------------------------+---------------------- If you google something like: maven abcl or: maven org.abcl.abcl The top hits are to https://mvnrepository.com/ which doesn't have recent versions Other google hits https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/abcl/abcl/ https://maven-repository.com/artifact/org.abcl/abcl https://maven2repo.com/org.abcl/abcl http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Corg.abcl Ideally all of these sites would be consistent. But minimally we should figure out how to have them indexed at https://mvnrepository.com since that's at the top of the google results. -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/434> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear