#377: DRAKMA:HTTP-REQUEST failing with #FLEXI-STREAMS:FLEXI-IO-STREAM {1254E5CE} is not of type STREAM --------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: mevenson | Owner: Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: 1.4.0 Component: compiler | Version: 1.4.0-dev Keywords: gray-streams | --------------------------+----------------------- A simple request to the DRAKMA installed with quicklisp-2014-11-06: {{{ CL-USER> (drakma:http-request "http://google.com") }}}
is now signalling errors where previously this sort of call was working.
The value #<FLEXI-STREAMS:FLEXI-IO-STREAM {1254E5CE}> is not of type STREAM. [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
Restarts: 0: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request. 1: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 2: [ABORT] Abort thread.
Backtrace: 0: (#<FUNCTION {709AF5A0}> #<TYPE-ERROR {4299100A}> #<FUNCTION {709AF5A0}>) 1: (APPLY #<FUNCTION {709AF5A0}> (#<TYPE-ERROR {4299100A}> #<FUNCTION {709AF5A0}>)) 2: (SYSTEM::RUN-HOOK SYSTEM::*INVOKE-DEBUGGER-HOOK* #<TYPE-ERROR {4299100A}> #<FUNCTION {709AF5A0}>) 3: (INVOKE-DEBUGGER #<TYPE-ERROR {4299100A}>) 4: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp.error(Lisp.java:382) 5: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp.type_error(Lisp.java:435) 6: org.armedbear.lisp.request_TMP_14.execute(request.lisp:128) 7: org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol.execute(Symbol.java:814) 8: org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread.execute(LispThread.java:832) 9: org.armedbear.lisp.request_TMP_15.execute(request.lisp:140) 10: org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol.execute(Symbol.java:826) 11: org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread.execute(LispThread.java:851) 12: org.armedbear.lisp.request_TMP_31.execute(request.lisp:182) 13: org.armedbear.lisp.CompiledClosure.execute(CompiledClosure.java:98) 14: org.armedbear.lisp.request_TMP_17.execute(request.lisp:182) 15: org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread.execute(LispThread.java:986) 16: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp.funcall(Lisp.java:192) 17: org.armedbear.lisp.Primitives$pf_apply.execute(Primitives.java:2845) 18: (DRAKMA::%READ-BODY #<FLEXI-STREAMS:FLEXI-IO-STREAM {1254E5CE}> CHARACTER) 19: (DRAKMA::READ-BODY #<FLEXI-STREAMS:FLEXI-IO-STREAM {78ACD5DF}> ((:DATE . "Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:24:26 GMT") (:EXPIRES . "-1") (:CACHE- CONTROL . "private, max-age=0") (:CONTENT-TYPE . "text/html; charset..
The problem stems from the kludgey way in which ABCL currently implements GRAY-STREAMS, namely by "gray-streams.lisp" changing the values of functions like CL:READ-SEQUENCE with versions that dispatch depending on whether they are invoked on an ANSI stream or a Gray stream.
If one uses the interpreted form of DRAKMA::%READ-BODY this dispatch works, but the compiled form does not.
We have many problems with our use of streams, but this case might provide an insight into figuring out how to move forward. Did a change in DRAKMA cause this problem to surface or is this a regression in the ABCL compiler?
-- Ticket URL: http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/377 armedbear http://abcl.org armedbear