#416: Have abcl.jar include java and lisp source code by default ---------------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: mevenson | Owner: Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Component: (A)MOP | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: github-issue Parent Tickets: | ---------------------------+-------------------------- Comment (by mevenson): mark: I'm still thinking about which way to go here, but here are some intermediate thoughts: "bloat" may still be an issue in certain hardware situations (Android, RPi-class devices, your watch) and an issue for network bandwidth, but I agree such an argument will get weaker with the passage of time. Overall, I guess my main objection lies in my gut-level resistance to changing the meaning of the filenames 'abcl.jar', 'abcl-contrib.jar' and 'abcl-sources.jar'. These are published artifacts in the distributed Maven graph at this point which doesn't have a great mechanism other than the name and associated version for ascribing semantics. The current way forward for me would be to retain publishing the current artifacts, but add one more "uber-jar" ("abcl-uber.jar") that would contain sources and could even theoretically include the Maven libraries, Ant, as well as JNA as long as the licensing is compatible. With such an über Jar, ABCL could unpack itself easily in a development environment mode (why not include Swank and Quicklisp while we are at it?). I would make the build system customizable as to which components are added to this "abcl-uber.jar" which should make things flexible enough for anyone's needs. To be researched: current standards on "Jar manifests", as this work is leading me to think that ABCL should be able to introspect jar contents to figure out what it contains (Lisp code, Java libraries) etc. -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/416#comment:4> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear