#432: CL:OPEN on URL-PATHNAME does not redirect across different schemes ------------------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: aruttenberg | Owner: mevenson Type: defect | Status: accepted Priority: blocker | Milestone: 1.5.0 Component: streams | Version: 1.5.0-dev Resolution: | Keywords: has-test uri Parent Tickets: | ------------------------------+-------------------------- Description changed by mevenson: Old description:
So if you want to do something like use uiop/stream:copy-file which does something like open the source, open the dest, read/write, it will not do what you might expect. I don't see a way of controlling this behavior. Arguably the default ought to be to follow redirects and open the redirected-to file.
New description: {{{java.net.HTTPUrlConnection}}} does not follow redirects across different schemes. c.f. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1884230/urlconnection-doesnt- follow-redirect#1884427 Original statement of problem: So if you want to do something like use uiop/stream:copy-file which does something like open the source, open the dest, read/write, it will not do what you might expect. I don't see a way of controlling this behavior. Arguably the default ought to be to follow redirects and open the redirected-to file. -- -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/432#comment:8> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear