Re: [armedbear-ticket] [armedbear] #16: Re-evaluation of DEFPACKAGE form is ignored

#16: Re-evaluation of DEFPACKAGE form is ignored --------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: mevenson | Owner: somebody Type: enhancement | Status: new Priority: minor | Milestone: unscheduled Component: other | Version: 1.0 Resolution: | Keywords: --------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Comment(by mevenson): As far as I understand a quick analysis of SBCL which is also a multi- threaded Lisp, to implement this we would have to: 1. create a global mutex WITH-PACKAGES for FIND-PACKAGE, MAKE-PACKAGE, RENAME-PACKAGE, DELETE-PACKAGE, LIST-ALL-PACKAGES, INTERN, UNINTERN, EXPORT, UNEXPORT, IMPORT, SHADOWING-IMPORT, SHADOW, USE-PACKAGE, UNUSE- PACKAGE, and FIND-ALL-SYMBOLS. 2. Check that nicknames are not being used as the redefined name (??) 3. Warn about various changes (like unusing previously used packages) -- Ticket URL: <> armedbear <> armedbear
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