[armedbear-ticket] Re: [armedbear] #334: Forms evaluated with `--eval` not in a "correct" interpreter environment

#334: Forms evaluated with `--eval` not in a "correct" interpreter environment -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: mevenson | Owner: Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: 1.3.0 Component: other | Version: 1.3.0-dev Resolution: | Keywords: asdf -----------------------+----------------------- Comment (by mevenson): The attached patch now correctly throws an semi-intelligble error on the Java side when a SHARPSIGN-DOT macro is passed as part of an '--eval' argument. This confirms that the problem seems to lie in the use of REQUIRE forms within '--eval' args. {{{ quoth:~/work/asdf$ abcl --noinit --eval '`#.(load (string `|test /script-support.lisp|) :verbose t :print t)' Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.3.0-dev Java 1.7.0_45 Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Low-level initialization completed in 0.475 seconds. Startup completed in 2.41 seconds. ; Loading /Users/evenson/work/asdf/test/script-support.lisp ... #<PACKAGE ASDF-TEST> #<PACKAGE ASDF-TEST> NIL NIL *TRACE-SYMBOLS* *DEBUG-ASDF* *QUIT-WHEN-DONE* VERBOSE NIL NIL ASYM ACALL ASYMVAL ASYMVAL Failed to require LOOP because 'Illegal function object: (bqv).' Maximum error depth exceeded (11 nested errors) with 'Illegal function object: (bqv).'. CL-USER(1): }}} -- Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/334#comment:1> armedbear <http://abcl.org> armedbear
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