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This certainly seems plausibly to be a bug. Please post it at GitLab and I will have a look at it as time permits. A test case would be a real plus -- I'm much more likely to get on this if I don't also have to create the test case myself.


I may have discovered a bug in ASDF.

In the function COMPUTE-ACTION-STAMP, first the IN-STAMPS and then the
OUT-STAMPS are collected. When one of the last write dates are not
available, T is returned by GET-FILE-STAMP, which is deemed infinitely
old by TIMESTAMP<=.

But suppose that all the IN-STAMPS and at least one of the OUT-STAMPS
are not available, then LATEST-IN and EARLIEST-OUT are both T, and the
wisest thing would probably be rebuild everything, but TIMESTAMP<=
returns T so nothing is built.

What do you think?

Andrea Monaco