On 30 May 2010 22:00, Seth Burleigh <seth@tewebs.com> wrote:
Here's the problem i found, is it a bug?
Place (cffi:defctype Time :unsigned-long)
in any asdf file youre loading. It will produce an error on loading after requiring once and then it will load successfully after second require.
I admit this is beyond my proficiency. Maybe you should submit that as a bug on the CFFI-devel mailing-list, and/or be using CFFI-grovel. [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] "Exploitation is a word often used but rarely defined. In its most literal meaning — I 'exploit' you if I in some way benefit from your existence — it is the reason human society exists. We all benefit from one another's existence. We all exploit each other." — D. Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom