"Pascal J. Bourguignon" <pjb@informatimago.com> wrote:
Alternatively, we could have:
(defsystem :foo :version-major 1 :version-minor 0 :version-release 42 :human-readable-version-string "1.0.gamma.XLII/pescadero:whasaaaaa")
(defsystem :foo :version (1 0 42) :human-readable-version-string "1.0.gamma.XLII/pescadero:whasaaaaa")
Actually, I had something like that in mind. With this idea of allowing individual systems to handle their own versioning logic, I intended to put something like '(1 3 :beta 4 "Release Name") in the :version slot. A human-readable version is different from a version specifier. ASDF already does something shaky in this regard, even for its simplistic versioning scheme: because it normalizes versions into strings, it needs to provide UNPARSE-VERSION! Yuck. So if ASDF (or its users) insists on have human readable version strings, I wouldn't mind systems having both :version and :version-string. -- My new Jazz CD entitled "Roots and Leaves" is out! Check it out: http://didierverna.com/records/roots-and-leaves.php Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info