On 22 October 2010 05:19, Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:
2- the feature feature was never working before I fixed and cerror'ed it, and only does conditional *dependency* on another component, that has to independently exist or conditionally exist, for which we have no non-ugly mechanism.
3- the :if-component-dep-fails mechanism may or may not be working well enough to do that right now, but man it's ugly, non-intuitive, non-documented, and gross even if it were documented.
Note: I have two different use cases. One is a DEFSYSTEM -level :DEPENDS-on ((FEATURE :SBCL :SB-THREAD)) or similar to indicate what *FEATURES* the system assumes, so that tools like Quicklisp could use this information to good effect. It should be checked during attempts to OPERATE LOAD-OP on system, with an error if the feature is not present, and it should be available through system introspection. The thing that I'm currently using :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :TRY-NEXT for currently is (:FILE "sbcl" :IN-ORDER-TO ((COMPILE-OP (FEATURE :SBCL)))) which is quite different. Cheers, -- Nikodemus